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1) In religion, the modern world view fails to seriously and consistently apply the discoveries published by Charles Darwin in 1859; above all to humans themselves.
By not accepting that Creation, especially that of biological species, is an evolutionary, dynamic, eternal process, it looks upon it in a pre- Darwinian manner as static and homocentric, something to be preserved or changed (exclusively by man).
By now contrary to better knowledge, it still sees the world (and man) as fully evolved, albeit flawed, and optimizable only in the context of "self - optimization" with self-set goals, in one's own sense - so far (and probably henceforth as well) with very dubious results.
Before, in pre-Darwinian times, all and everything was in the end made and given by God (and regally assigned) and therefore stayed within His responsibility.
This world view was consistent in itself; but now that man is actually able to directly intervene in the process of creation, for example in nuclear physics and biogenetics, it no longer applies; God no longer sets the goals, but man. And indeed, paradoxically, in an open, uncontrolled system, an emancipated position (emancipated from what?) cannot be defined, neither in absolute nor in relative terms; only a godlike one.
This results in a religious disorientation, individualization and isolation.
Religion can thus no longer fulfill its aforementioned task; the community crumbles, as it no longer exists.
And as nothing anymore is given, "creativity" is required.
Not only is there no longer a belief in a Creation completed, but not even in an evolving one; except in one's own (and self -) creation - and, indeed, evolution - which then regularly, with the death of the individual, ends with the annihilation of all progress, continually destroying all that has been achieved.
Thus, eternity is reduced to a lifespan; and a lifespan becomes eternity.
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