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Cosmic Creation: Work in Progress

 On Creation

Creation did not happen;

it is still going on.

The following is intended, inter alia, to shed some light on the phenomenon of how the role of gravity - although generally known - found so surprisingly little entry into the considerations of "What holds this world together innermost", and how these considerations were always focussed more on destructive thermodynamics - that is, to the realm of potential reduction with conservation of mass and energy.

Beyond that, however, Creation is a ongoing process in the making, in this very moment; and this goes far beyond Darwin's concept of ongoing biological evolution, or even of the Earth's geological evolution, both of which were discovered at around the same time.

Both concepts hitherto implicit a status quo, some defined point in time and space; however, Creation in this view is eternal, universal and all-encompassing; it did not just take place everywhere and throughout time, it is happening, at this very moment, simultaneously and everywhere throughout the entire universe (i. e., everywhere, all the time, locally throughout the universe); furthermore, its ubiquitous, momentary and past results are also maintained by the same force that evoked them: gravity.

Remove gravity, and the cosmos instantly returns into a dark, dead, cold, dispersing cloud of dust and debris, only for re-creation to have to start all over again, in perhaps less favorable conditions, once it is switched on once more.

Most of what was created up to then would be lost, and with it, the entire time that it took to create it.

Without gravity, Creation can neither take place, nor be maintained  - from the beginning to the end of all time.

The redefinition of entropy S

This is an alternative description of reality, not its ideologization. A formula only abstracts, it does not change anything; and yet it is not immaterial to the understanding of reality how it is abstracted and described.

To those who demur that the formula for entropy has up to now delivered consistent and perfect results: The inversion / reciprocal value can be calculated just as perfectly, and perhaps even more consistently.

Importantly, the following is not, indeed, the prerequisite for gravity being the one eternal, ubiquitous and omnipotent force, inciting order and complexity (or negative entropy), within the universe; that remains independently.

Rather, it can be seen as a logical consequence; in part to enable gravity-induced empty space with a temperature around 0K to represent minimal entropy, thus allowing gravity to create absolute order (S=min) out of absolute chaos (S=max).

Order and decay

through gravitation

decay through thermodynamics

entropy and negentropy.


The state of affairs

In order to enable a thermodynamic process (such as life, for example) - besides some material prerequisites - above all a gradient is necessary: an energy potential, a temperature difference, etc.

Generally speaking, a source and a sink.

When considering a thermodynamic process, it is generally assumed that these potentials are naturally present; if you contemplate the thermodynamic side of an equation, it usually is irrelevant from whence they originate.

The only thing to keep in mind is that they cannot be created thermodynamically in origin -  as stated by the second law of thermodynamics.

Entropy and thermodynamics

The term entropy is used to describe a property of thermodynamic processes.

Every thermodynamic process increases entropy, as calculated in Joule per Kelvin.

In part, entropy can be seen as a measure of disorder or potential reduction; negative entropy or negentropy for the opposite - whereby, apart from the fact that negative in this context does not mean 'negative', but 'reduced' or 'less', the question once again arises:

If entropy cannot be reduced by a thermodynamic process, how then can negentropy exist?

The answer proposed here is, of course, gravity - but this is apparently prevented in theory by the formula of entropy. 

So this must be looked at.

For it is required that entropy, within the universe, must increase through every process - and so, in the beginning, the entropy of the universe must have been lower than it is today; possibly close to zero.

And this apparently cannot be shown.

  • On the one hand, not every process in the universe is thermodynamic; mass and energy are not conserved in every process; for instance in the nuclear destruction of matter in suns and stars (e=mc²).

  • Gravitational processes are self-reinforcing, not self-reducing; they generate an increase in potential, not a reduction.

  • On the other hand, entropy is measured in energy per temperature (J/K); therefore, in the proximity of 0K (or of a difference of 0K), the value for entropy becomes arbitrarily high, regardless of the amount of energy involved; and this is inexplicable.

For one, natural values are not arbitrary, nor do they reach infinity (but what would the theoretical maximum for entropy be? And how would an entropy of zero be represented physically?).

For another, because the average temperature of the universe is low and thus creates this effect.

According to this concept, the entropy of the universe is already high  (and can therefore hardly be increased): its "heat death" is imminent (whereby the question arises again, what is "high", and what is "low" in the context of entropy?). 

Up to now, only zero should be able to be fixed as a minimum; and it has been proposed that a perfect crystal, at 0K, has an entropy of zero - or, as a 'Third Law of Thermodynamics', that entropy at 0K generally be zero as well.

  • But how is that supposed to calculate, if the temperature is in the denominator?

  • This can only be if the energy content of the crystal is zero as well; and if its temperature rises only slightly, it is that no longer. 

Natura non facit saltus



What happens

  • If order and decay in the cosmos take place at the same time?
  • Then there has to be a mechanism for both processes.

  • The process for entropic decay lies in thermodynamics.
  • The process for negentropic increase of order lies in gravitation.

The reason why this may not be fully recognized may be due to the rather ancient general formula for entropy: 


It generates high entropy at low temperatures and low entropy at high temperatures.

Turn it around, almost all contradictions will resolve:

Not S=Q/T, but S=T/Q.

Now, in a cold universe, entropy is low and the order level is high; and there remains the need to take care of the fringes: 

The points of zero, the system definitions, etc.

As well as the general mathematical validity.


As this has consequences for the self-understanding of human existence, the human condition, here, once again, is a reminder of those consequences, which are largely independent of the validity of the mathematical shenanigans which are intended to show a few of the aftereffects from the assumption that gravity can and does actually reduce entropy, i. e. calculating with its reciprocal value to account for this.

The concept proposed here, namely that there is a gravitational system necessarily preceding (human) thermodynamics, strangely also leads humans back once more from the notion of being independent creators to the one of being dependent creatures.

At the moment, this idea is propagated in such a way, that, for one, reminds humans of their dependency, but also declares them to be responsible to create their own living conditions on this planet. 

And, indeed, most people may be well aware of their dependency on this world. 

But they think in static cycles, and thus in circles; and seen thermodynamically, they cannot free themselves, mentally or physically, from this imprisonment.

What is missing in this concept is that humans, as stated, are thermodynamic beings. Therefore the laws of thermodynamics apply to them without exception; this includes the categoric impossibility of a perpetuum mobile

In other words: Without external input, a person dies, because his system comes to a standstill; and so does any society consisting of more than one.

  • The question therefore is and remains as to the source of this input, which ultimately must be of non-thermodynamic origin, since this would otherwise itself need external input, and so on.
  • If one accepts that the laws of thermodynamics do not apply for gravitational processes, then one can assume gravity as the source for all prerequisites for thermodynamic processes in the universe (for one example, they are self-reinforcing and in no need for energy).

But apart from this question of the ultimate source on the input side, there are also consequences for the output side, from the fact that humans function according to the laws of thermodynamics; a property that humans - in addition to dead matter in general - share with all animals, plants and combustion engines.

  • Neither humans, nor animals, nor plants, nor combustion engines can maintain themselves, nor keep themselves going; by themselves alone, they therefore cannot reproduce either - one would be the prerequisite for the other.

  • All four are dependent on external sources for energy and negentropy.

  • As a result, neither plants, nor humans, nor animals, nor combustion engines can sustain themselves out of themselves and beyond that also generate an actual surplus, gain or profit.

Neither plants, nor animals, nor combustion engines care. Man alone claims to make a - physically forbidden, by the laws of thermodynamics that govern such processes - profit through his physical work.

Since this is impossible, the ascribed profit is not real, but purely monetary; it only appears on the balance sheet, and consists solely of debt.

To be sure:

  • All human work is physical; it is always associated with energy consumption - and thus an increase in entropy.

  • This loss of energy potential (or loss of negentropy or order) must be gravitationally compensated, in ways that are often equally lossy - either in advance or simultaneously or retroactively, depending on whether, and where, one can assume a buffer.

Economy, in summary:

  1. Every work process involves an inevitable entropic and energetic loss.

  2. This loss is not reflected in the economic balance sheets.

  3. According to this reading, growth goes hand in hand with the exploitation of resources. (Overall economics is apart from business economics, and cannot be seen outside of ecology.)

  4. Whether human, plant, animal or machine - all four work (or, in that case, live) according to the laws of thermodynamics and so inevitably produce a real net loss, whatever they do; however, this result appears as profit in the economic balance sheets.

  5. It is possible that the mountains of debt that are so inevitably accumulated in economic activity ultimately stem from this circumstance.

  6. Every economy (i. e. every area of currency) should always have exactly as much debt as it corresponds to its labor ability - no more, but no less.

  7. For no money without debt. Presumably that's why that is balanced on the credit side.

    (If someone does not owe you anything for your money, it is basically worthless.)

On to some further mathematical musings.


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